Archives for December 2011

Naming Babies

When pregnancies crop up among my friends and co-workers I, as an author, feel that it is my obligation, nay, my duty, to help come up with names for the babies. As far as I know, none of my suggestions have ever been chosen by the parents, but I remain ever hopeful. It has occurred […]

Does It Need To Be Fun?

The original title of this post was “It Should Be Fun”. I was planning on talking about how writing needs to be enjoyable. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that wasn’t quite what I believe. It’s not that writing shouldn’t be fun. It’s that “fun” is too weak a word […]

Not Every Idea Is A Good Idea

Sometimes I am a strange mixed up mess of a girl. I know this shocks you – especially if you know me in “real” life. But it’s true. Sometimes I can’t remember whether or not I put on pants that morning. Monday I looked at a water bottle I use to spray the plants and […]

“Titus Andronicus” With Spoilers

I’ve been listening to the audio book for Simon Schama’s A History of Britain, and it made me think of my favorite British subject – Colin Firth. No, no – I’m kidding. I mean William Shakespeare. Really. Shakespeare.  Uh, yeah. Anyway, I find it comforting to remember that even the glorious Mr. Shakespeare wrote some […]

Relationship Crisis

Hello? *silence* Hello, is anybody there? *crickets chirping* Blogosphere? Are you there? *clicks tongue* Here Blogosphere! Come here, little Blogosphere! Sweet little Blogosphere… Excuse me, but did you really just call me like you would call a dog? Oh, Blogosphere! There you are. So, are we talking again? Of course we’re talking! When were we […]