A Brief Status Update (2)

When last we left Betsy, she was contemplating her three goals for 2012. They are: 1) stop eating sugar and get the diabetes under control 2) write every day 3) pay down that debt! So, how am I doing? I think I’m doing pretty well, although there’s definitely room for improvement. 1) stop eating sugar […]


April was a very interesting month around the Palatial Horvath Estate. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. One thing I learned in April is that I’m still a compulsive overeater. I was not magically cured by three months of more sensible eating. Go figure. As of the time of […]

A Brief Status Update

As you may, or may not, know (or care), I’m in the throes of several “Betsy makeover” initiatives this year. With luck, they will help me release my inner Betsy. Roar like a lioness, Betsy! Roar! mewwwww! Hey, it’s a start. Since I have taken to spewing my personal angst all over cyberspace, I thought […]

Meditation in Motion

As part of my diabetic makeover, I’ve started walking regularly again.  This is good for me not only physically, but mentally. Walking seems to unclog my mind and gets the streams of thought and creativity flowing more freely. I’ve read somewhere that walking is called “meditation in motion”, and for me that is true. Personally, […]

An Ode to Girl Scout Cookies

Well, don’t I feel all dramatic after my last couple of blog posts? Sorry about that. I’ll just tell you that the doctor’s visit went pretty much as I feared and my diabetes is bad at the moment. But I’ve decided that just because my diabetes is bad, and just because my debt is bad, […]

No Consequences

As I was eating inappropriately for my diabetic condition to celebrate Thanksgiving, I realized something important about myself. In fact, I had what Bob Mayer would call a “moment of enlightenment”. I have, as you may or may not know (or care), been trying to move forward in my life with varying degrees of success. […]