An Ode to Coffee

Today I would like to present an Ode to Coffee. This is an expanded version of original works appearing on my Facebook page. Feel free to borrow and/or set to music.


An Ode to Coffee

By Betsy Horvath


O Coffee, O Coffee
My fav-or-ite drink.
You help me to wake,
You help me to think.

You help keep me sane.
Of cups, I have seven,
‘Cause one sip of you,
And I am in heaven.

O Coffee, O Coffee,
My fav-or-ite brew,
I know that I’ll never
Be quit of YEW!

Thank you.


  1. SO need that on a t-shirt!

  2. LOL O Coffee…. *my* coffee! I so want this front and center of my office door…. well, if it had a door….. maybe then they would bring me a cup when they visit. Maybe?

    Thanks! Love it!


  1. Coffee Talks says:

    […] I wrote you an ode– […]

  2. […] Is it as good as the last one? […]

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