Archives for 2016

Mundane Life Tasks

When we last left Betsy, she had just published the digital version of her newest book on all platforms and was working diligently on the print version. But publishing, as you might expect, sucks up a lot of time. What about all of the other little things you have to do in life? What about […]

The Third Time Around

Hello, friends!  As I indicated in the last blog post, I did indeed learn many valuable lessons while publishing my latest book, Believing It.  So many valuable lessons, in fact, that I wanted to write about them before I forgot what they were (I’m dottery and middle-aged, you know). You may consider this post to […]

Panic, Planning, and Publishing

Previously on Betsy’s blog… Betsy has just published her third book, Believing It, and the publishing experience was more than a little stressful.  Part of that has to do with the fact she decided to put the book out right when she was scrambling to finish her taxes. But it was also stressful because Betsy can […]

“Believing It” is LIVE!

My friends, I am pleased and proud to tell you that Believing It, the latest book in my “Welcome to Hardy Falls” series is LIVE!  LIVE, I TELL YOU!  Maybe I’m not alive at this point, but the book is birthed and out in the world!  And it is now available as an e-book wherever fine […]

Categories and Key Words

As I come to the end of the editing process for my new book, Believing It, I’m pointing the rudder of my wee little ship towards the rocky shore of publishing. That means getting the manuscript formatted and up for preorder on all of the various book sales sites. And it means I’m thinking about […]

Just Chillin’

As you may, or may not, know, Betsy is on a Quest to become a successful independent author / entrepreneur. Her Guide on this Quest is a white gerbil named Harry, who lives in her brain and annoys her on a regular basis. Betsy has been known to yammer about goals and objectives here on […]