
Too many distractions can make you forget what’s important.  At least, they can make you forget what’s really important to you, to the reality of your situation and your life in all its many aspects. Life goes on despite massive change and uncertainty.  We work and play and love and laugh and pay bills and […]


dis·trac·tion dəˈstrakSH(ə)n/noun 1.  a thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else. “the company found passenger travel a distraction from the main business of moving freight.” synonyms: diversion, interruption, disturbance, interference, hindrance   “a distraction from the real issues.” 2. extreme agitation of the mind or emotions.  “he knew she was nervous by her uncharacteristic air of distraction” synonyms: […]

Striving for Sanity

I don’t want to burst anyone’s bubble, but I’m kind of a neurotic mess of a girl. I’m compulsive, obsessive, obsessive-compulsive, addictive, paranoid, anxious, and fearful, to name a few of my more endearing traits. But other than that, I’m fine. I’ve been a bit more insane than usual over the last few weeks / […]

The Third Thing

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a blog post about the three big things in my life and what they are. In case you didn’t read that post, my three big things are 1) family/life responsibilities, 2) work, and 3) writing (or story-telling). I hope that I will always have family / life responsibilities. […]

Lost In The Underbrush

Last weekend, I found myself at a point in my manuscript that’s, sadly, very familiar. I have found myself in the exact same place in all of the other books I’ve written (whether published or unpublished). I realized I didn’t know where the hell I was going. Until then, I had THOUGHT I knew where I was […]


Nobody knows the importance of words better than a writer. After all, words are the tools I work with. Visual media is all well and good, but words get inside your brain and paint pictures only you can see. And if I want you to see basically the same thing I’m seeing, I’d better be […]