Planning, Planning, Planning

Happy New Year, everyone!  Welcome to 2019!  Goodbye, 2018 and don’t let the door hit you in the rear on the way out!

Okay, okay.  2018 wasn’t all bad.  No year is.  In fact, in a lot of ways, 2018 was a very GOOD year.  People I love started new lives, got married, graduated, found new opportunities, became new people.  *I* found new opportunities and became a new person as I started a new life.  But that didn’t make it any easier to live through a veritable tsunami of change and difficulty and sadness.

Just as an aside, I was so paranoid on December 31st that I refused to leave my house.  I thought 2018 might grab me as it whisked away into the night.

But I made it! And now here I am, standing on the glimmering shore of a brand new year!  2019 will have it’s own difficulties and challenges.  It will have great rewards and, I’m sure, problems.  And it’s all spread before us, shining, basically untrod.

Ahhhhhhh.  Breathe.

In preparation for entering this new phase, I’ve been spending the last month or so planning, planning, and—wait for it—planning.

Seriously, guys.  So many spreadsheets.  And flow charts.  And cork boards.  And computer documents.  I bought a new pack of highlighters and pencils and brand new erasers.  I got an appointment book and new calendars.  I created detailed schedules and even set a few hard deadlines.

Frankly, I’ve been planning my tuchus off.  I am determined to hit the ground running this year.  The way I hit the ground last year was not particularly helpful, so I thought try something new.

I’ve worked out backstory and general outlines for the next five books in the Hardy Falls universe, as well as a detailed outline for the book I’m going to start writing tomorrow.  Because I know more about the backstory now, I also know what needs to be incorporated into the novella I wrote last year and that can finally be finalized.  I have the newsletters planned out for the next 12 months, and I know how those stories will interact with the books (more on that to come).  I’ve also planned out a few other projects that are a little more nebulous.

I will continue to blog—hopefully with more regularity.  Harry and the Muse and the rest of the gang will be back and all of my psychological issues will come out to play for your enjoyment.

Golly, that’s a lot to do.  And I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I am to be doing it!!!  Welcome, 2019!  I’m glad to meet you.

I hope you are all hitting the ground running too.  Let’s get this party started!