The problem is, if you read a lot of books about writing in a short amount of time – which I have – they can also turn you into a ball of confusion. You start second guessing yourself every time you power up the computer. “Well Stephen King says I should…” or “Janet Evanovich never…” or “AACK! I’m not following the seven scene design spiral of plotting before heading off to the jungle and being run over by a train approach! I must rewrite!”
Then you dissect things you haven’t even written yet, decide it’s all crap, and go off to hunker down in a corner and eat carbohydrates.
When I say “you” there, I mean, “me”. Yes, at some point over the past couple of weeks, I’ve turned into a massive ball of confusion. Just as the hero of the Kafka novella wakes up to find himself a cockroach, I have woken to find myself trapped in a miasma of second guessing constructed by my own desire to learn my craft and progress towards my goals.
Or I could just be over-thinking the whole thing.
I think. Maybe. Could it be? Probably.
Yes. I am definitely over-thinking.
I guess.
So here’s what I’ve decided I’m going to do. I’m going to step away from the books about writing and just, um, write.
Then I might eat carbs.
yeah, carbs!!!!