The luncheon today was the awards luncheon. One of the awards recipients was Amy Atwell, a fellow Carina Press author, so, as I cheered very loudly for her, I thought I would take pictures.
Hmmm…well, it was a good idea. You just trust me. She’s there.
Sherrilyn Kenyon gave the luncheon speech, and she was awesome. Plus, we got more free books! Woohoo!
More workshops and then it was time to get ready for the Carina Press party. How sad am I that I don’t have a picture handy of me in my glamorous black dress. Ah, well. By the way, while I was glamming myself up for the parties, Bookseller Ann, a/k/a Bookaholic Ann attended some publisher booksignings where the publishers gave away books for free. She now has quite a few books to lug home with her. I’m glad I wasn’t there. I have no control.
The Carina party was great, and I got to meet a lot of the authors I email. Then we headed over to the Waldorf Astoria for the big Harlequin Black and White Ball.
I shared a cab with two fellow Carina authors, Maureen Miller and Adrienne Giordano.
They look so elegant. The Harlequin party was at the Starlight Roof Ballroom. It was beautiful.
The Harlequin authors just kept arriving until the place was packed with people dressed in black and white, or black, or white.
The dancing soon started, and omigosh it was crazy! It was like a romance mosh pit!
Then, eventually, it was back to Times Square and home at the hotel.
Good night, Times Square. Good night. Friday is the last day of the conference. Oh what wonders will await?