Archives for July 2013

Conference Thoughts

I’m on vacation this week because, when I was planning my time off, I thought I would be going to the Romance Writer’s Association 2013 annual conference in Atlanta (July 17-20). But I’m not going. I’ve been trying to decide how I feel about that.  I’ve decided I feel ambivalent. A part of me is […]

Lazy Life

My friends, it is about a billion degrees here at the Palatial Horvath Estate, which makes me think of the seashore. When I was in first grade (or so), I drew the picture above. It is, as you can see a very BIG and SKINNY wave towering over the shore. I’m not exactly sure what’s […]

Why Everyone Should Be An English Major

As I discovered a few years ago, deciding to get your undergraduate degree in English – especially when you are a student of non-traditional age – is an open invitation for confusion and ridicule. Nobody ever questioned me when I was a marketing major or a business management major or an accounting major or a […]

It’s Hard

Now that I’ve dedicated myself to writing again and am trying to pursue it with intensity, I am reminded of one important fact. It’s hard. Not the writing itself (although sometimes it can feel like you’re chiseling granite with a dental pic). No, what’s hard is sitting down to write, and then actually writing. That […]

Always Connected

Thanks to the unexpected and brutal death of my main computer, I find myself the proud owner of a spanking new laptop.  Don’t worry – I didn’t lose any files.  Back up, people!  Back up!  STOP WHAT YOU’RE DOING AND BACK UP YOUR FILES NOW! Erm, sorry.  Anyway, because I have a new computer for […]

Another Chance

Oh, Blogosphere, I’m so happy to see you!  It’s been so long!  *tries to throw arms around Blogosphere*  “Blogosphere turns away* Hey, you paid your web hosting invoice.  Why shouldn’t I be here?  *shrug* *Betsy steps back uncertainly*  Well, yes…but aren’t you happy to see me at all? Look, I don’t know why you wanted […]