Archives for 2014


Previously on Betsy’s Blog… Harry, Betsy’s Guide on her Quest to become a successful independent author / entrepreneur, has returned from a short stay with the Muse Council and he’s ready to rock and roll!  He wants to help pull Betsy out of the mire of her own neurosis, kick her in the butt, and […]

Doubt and Believing

Previously on Betsy’s Blog… As you know if you’ve joined us for previous installments of The Quest, Betsy has decided to become a successful independent author / entrepreneur. Harry, a white gerbil, is her Guide on this Quest, determined to help her find her way as she navigates the confusing paths leading to her goal. […]

The Reality of Possibility

We come across possibilities every day. They flit through our lives like butterflies, drip through our hands like water. Possibilities can be very hard to grasp. This is especially true of your own possibilities – your own possible you. As we grow and age, we are hammered into a certain shape based on the expectations […]

A Brainy Pig

As a change of pace, here’s a poem about a brainy pig, courtesy of Roald Dahl. Enjoy!   The Pig by Roald Dahl In England once there lived a bigAnd wonderfully clever pig.To everybody it was plainThat Piggy had a massive brain.He worked out sums inside his head,There was no book he hadn’t read.He knew […]


 Previously on Betsy’s Blog… Mavis, the ambassador from the International Muse Council, has come in search of Harry, Betsy’s Quest Guide, because he has not been answering Council summons.  She finds him in the gutter of Betsy’s brain, swilling orange juice (an intoxicant for the gerbil family, of which Harry is a member), and basically […]

Where’s Harry?

Previously on Betsy’s Blog… Although Betsy and the Muse have been hanging out regularly, Betsy hasn’t seen Harry, her Quest Guide, for a couple of days.  In fact, she hasn’t seen him since he and the Muse came to her aid when she battled Obsessia and The Dark Voice.   But Betsy’s been so busy, she […]