Archives for March 2012

The Anniversary Post

*music plays softly in background* *candles flicker* Come here, Blogosphere! *No answer* Oh, Blogosphere! *Still no answer* Ohhh baaabbyyy…my sweet baaabbbbyyy….you’re the one… What!?! Sweet God, stop singing! Hello, Blogosphere. What do you want? And why are you wearing cropped pants that are way too tight? Well, love is strange.  *swishes side to side* Do […]

I Did Not Get A Phone Call

Shockingly enough, I did not get a phone call on Monday to tell me that my book was a finalist for the RITA awards. For those of you who are not romance junkies (like me), the RITAs are the awards that the Romance Writers of America (RWA) gives out to published romance novels and novellas […]


This week the forsythia bushes at the Palatial Horvath Estate decided it was spring. The feline occupants of the Estate decided it was spring about three weeks ago when they began merrily shedding all over everything – including me. The ducks and other wildlife visitors to the grounds of the Estate decided it was spring […]

Advice To The Author As A Young Woman

While perusing Facebook the other day, I saw a post from my editor, Rhonda Helms, saying that she has contributed to an anthology of letters by authors written to their teen selves. That started me thinking. What would I tell my younger self if I could? What advice would I give? Of course, I’ve already […]

Headlights and Strobe Lights

Writing a novel is like driving a car at night. You can see only as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way. E. L. Doctorow When I’m at the point I’m at now in a first draft, I cling to this quote from E. L. Doctorow as if it […]

“Hope” is the thing with feathers

It is a gorgeous day here at the Palatial Horvath Estate. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, the wind is warm, the forsythia is budding. It’s the kind of a spring day that makes you feel like spinning around in a circle with your hands held out while you sing “the hills are […]