Archives for February 2012

My Inner Polonius

10 Reasons Why I Love Romance Novels

    So, I kind of decided that I’m probably going to give up reading romance novels for Lent. I usually try to give up something I like for Lent, but this year it was hard because I’ve already changed a lot of stuff. There just wasn’t much left. After some thought, I decided to […]

A Brief Status Update

As you may, or may not, know (or care), I’m in the throes of several “Betsy makeover” initiatives this year. With luck, they will help me release my inner Betsy. Roar like a lioness, Betsy! Roar! mewwwww! Hey, it’s a start. Since I have taken to spewing my personal angst all over cyberspace, I thought […]

Writing Through The Drama

It’s really hard for me to try to write when I’m feeling extremes of emotion.   The emotion can be either end of the scale.  If I’m feeling extremely happy or excited, I’m all jittery inside, or I just can’t make myself sit down at the computer.  If I’m extremely upset or angry, then it’s […]

Scars of Love

  As you may know from previous posts, I like to look at trees as I’m out bummeling around the walking trail.  One day I happened to notice the tree in this photograph, and it made me think. L.A.D. and K.M. loved each other enough to carve evidence of that fact in the bark of […]

Wisdom From James

I’ve been thinking a lot about James Allen this week. James Allen was a British philosophical writer, born in 1864. I stumbled across him originally when I found a quote from him on the back of a Celestial Seasonings tea box. As I continued reading his work, I found that a lot of what he […]